samedi 21 juillet 2018

I'am still alive!

It's been a long time since I've published here! Too long...But I'am very busy modelling  (alas not for me!) but for the main french modeling magazine for which I'am a regular contributor.
Every year I published a special issue on different subjects (A First Layout, Modelling the 70's, the 50's, etc...).
You could see a photo of this year subject below. But I can't tell more about...Just French subject, HO scale, beginner in mind...It will be in newstands in late september. But it was a lot of work to build a complete street, shooting hundreds of photos, writing to fill a 100 page issue. It still lack some final details, but..It's vacation time now!

I'll find some time during the vacations to read again (and again...) the "bible" for any Santa Fe Los Angeles enthusiast. Very inspirationnal at least...
Have a good holidays. See ya'

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