mardi 14 novembre 2017

Cracker box challenges...

I've just receive the parts I've conceived for the San Jacinto "Cracker box". Quick assembly of the main parts revealed no flaws. Everything seems to have been fixed. A small box, yes but with many challenges...
Despite the boxy appearance of the 1948 station building, it was not an easy task to conceive it and you could see in one of the shots how many mock up were neccessary to obtain what I want.
I was unable to find a drawing of the "new" building (if it exists) and all my parts were done using those of the original California Southern station and photos of the modernized structure. It is known that the 1948 rebuilding was done around this venerable structure partially using a central section of the walls, doors and windows openings (at least, the freight part of the building even retains the original doors as example). But even with this set of drawings, many things don't fit and I was obliged to make some arrangements to have a visually satisfying result (at least to me...) like changing the height and widths of the freight doors, add some millimeters to the building heights, etc....  Presently, the balance fit the bill. The kit seen in the photo at the bottom of this post is the latest version (and I hope the last) and was laser cutted in 2 mm MDF and Laserboard on a friend machine from a Draftsight drawing I've made. We'll see the result painted, decalled and very slightly weathered when I'll find time to do so.
See ya'

The above three photos are of the last mockup made.

The mockup in place on the layout.

Trial and error process!

The latest version, and I hope the last...

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